Biological growth into technology : between fiction and fact.
Discussion on March 25th 2014 with Rachel Armstrong, Petra Gruber, Julian Vincent, Angelo Vermeulen on *convergence*, *alive or not alive*, *biological paradigm and hybridisation*, *self-organsation*, *growing architecture - open versus closed*
Rachel Armstrong, Co-Director AVATAR (Advanced Virtual and Technological Architectural Research), Architecture & Synthetic Biology, School of Architecture & Construction, University of Greenwich, London, UK
Petra Gruber, Ethiopian Institute of Architecture, Building Construction and City Development, ET, transarch office for biomimetics and transdisciplinary architecture, Vienna, AT
Julian Vincent, Adjunct Faculty in Mechanical Engineering at Clemson University, South Carolina, USA
Angelo Vermeulen, Delft University of Technology, Participatory Systems, NL
Moderation: Barbara Imhof
Date: March 25th 2014
Time: 11.00 - 13.00 hrs
Location: University of Applied Arts, Vordere Zollamtstrasse 3 (Zwischengeschoss, right side, HS ZG 21-A
Biological growth into technology : between fiction and fact
Convergence of disciplines through technological advancement and
trans-disciplinary work and their implications on a societal and
technological level.
With the advancement of information technologies we can observe a
displacement of nature as we know it thus the distinction of born
and made may become obsolete. Does protocell technology
represent a next nature?
Is it possible to transfer principles from nature into technology in a
way that "aliveness" will arise, or do we "only" generate new
kinds of human-made technology?
Self-organisation as the most intriguing concept of nature. How can
we transfer self-organisation from biology into other disciplines?
Envisioning growing architecture in either pre-prepared frameworks,
in open systems or with a combination of both in a hybrid manner.