Contemporary Code: GrAB - Growing as Building
Friday, 26 May 2017 09:08
Video Link: Contemporary Code: GrAB - Growing as Building from Ethan Vincent.
BUILT TO GROW in Australia
Sunday, 15 January 2017 16:28
Office for Design & Architecture SA, 28 Leigh Street Adelaide, AustraliaNovember 2016
GrAB was presented during the agile X 4 workshop, with extremely positive response.
Thinking across boundaries
Saturday, 26 December 2015 13:02
excerpt from an interview with co-project lead Barbara Imhof about the
Project “Growing As Building”
Ein Haus, das wie ein Pilz wächst
Sunday, 08 November 2015 09:18
06.11.2015 | 18:24 | von Alice Grancy (Die Presse)
Wer nach dem Vorbild der Natur gestalten will, muss zunächst verstehen, wie sie funktioniert. Dazu kooperieren an der Angewandten in Wien Architekten und Biologen.
Bauen und Biologie: Ausstellung "Built to Grow" in Wien
Sunday, 18 October 2015 16:55
Radio Ö1 - Leporello, Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2015, 07:52
Bauen und Biologie: Ausstellung "Built to Grow" in Wien
Gebäude, die durch biologische und technologische Prozesse wachsen, die durch Selbstorganisation ihren Bauplatz finden, die sich dem Klima anpassen können, keinen Abfall produzieren und sich selbst auflösen können, wenn ihre Lebenszeit abgelaufen ist - was wie eine Utopie klingt, ist tatsächlich ein Forschungsprojekt am Innovation Lab der Universität für angewandte Kunst in Wien. Ein interdisziplinäres Team aus den Bereichen Architektur, Biologie, Kunst, Mechatronik und Robotik betreibt Grundlagenforschung, um eine neue, lebende Architektur zu entwickeln. Die Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts sind in der Ausstellung "Built to Grow - Blending Architecture and Biology" bis 7. November im AIL (Angewandte Innovation Laboratory) am Franz Josefs Kai zu sehen. Im November erscheint unter dem gleichen Titel auch ein Buch zum Thema.- Gestaltung: Sophi
BOOK launch
Sunday, 18 October 2015 16:35
Built to Grow Blending architecture and biology
Book launch 6 November, 2015, 6 pm, AIL – Angewandte Innovation Laboratory
Built to Grow
Sunday, 27 September 2015 20:47
Built to Grow - Blending architecture and biology
Opening 12 October, 2015, 6 pmExhibition 13 October –7 November 2015Built to Grow investigates growth patterns and dynamics from nature and applies them to architecture with the goal of creating a new living architecture. Specific biological processes are presented in-depth to identify principles of growth and translate them into exemplary architectural ideas and visions. Thisartistic research project comprised an interdisciplinary team from the fields of architecture, biology, art, mechatronics and robotics.
Panel discussion12 October, 2015, 6 pmModeration: Barbara Imhof
Rachel Armstrong, experimental architecture, Newcastle University, School of Architecture, UK
Petra Gruber, biomimetics, architecture, Ethiopian Institute ofArchitecture, Building Construction and City Development, Addis Ababa University, ET
Angelo Vermeulen, art, ecology, Delft University of Technology, Participatory Systems Initiative, NL
Thomas Speck
Die Natur als Architekt
Sunday, 13 September 2015 21:47
Publication > in a3 Bau Bionik Anwendungen und Visionen Reportage
> Bionik, die Symbiose aus Biologie und Technologie, führt auch in der Architektur zu Produkten und Visionen, die Arbeitsabläufe erleichtern, Objekte beständiger machen und nicht zuletzt die Nachhaltigkeit erhöhen.
Exhibition UPCOMING
Sunday, 23 August 2015 22:36
Growing As Building
12. October - 7.November 2015
Angewandte Innovation Laboratory
Franz Josefs Kai 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Invited GrAB presentation
Thursday, 14 May 2015 18:42
Dr. Petra Gruber was invited by CIBSE to present GrAB presented at the CIBSE seminar "Biomimetic Architecture", Arup, Fitzroy Street, London, UK, 19.11.2014
ONLINE: CIBSE - Intelligent Buildings Group
Presentation NOW online >
GrAB - final team workshop
Thursday, 14 May 2015 18:19
The final workshop amongst all teammembers will take place on Monday 20.7. and Tuesday 21.7.2015 at the GrAB-Lab.
University of Applied Arts, Vordere Zollamtstrasse 3/Zwischengeschoß, H11-12, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Angewandte Praxis 2 / GRAB — GROWING AS BUILDING
Thursday, 01 January 2015 22:55
Thursday, 22 January 2015 / Presentation Location: Angewandte Innovation Laboratory, Franz-Joselfs-Kai 3, 1010 Vienna / Time: 17:30
Angewandte Praxis 1 / GRAB — GROWING AS BUILDING
Thursday, 15 May 2014 23:10
Location: Fokus Forschung, Fersteltrakt 1. Stock
Date: 22 May
Time: 17:30
Biological growth into technology : between fiction and fact.
Saturday, 22 March 2014 18:14
Discussion on March 25th 2014 with Rachel Armstrong, Petra Gruber, Julian Vincent, Angelo Vermeulen on *convergence*, *alive or not alive*, *biological paradigm and hybridisation*, *self-organsation*, *growing architecture - open versus closed*
BIOLAB intro
Tuesday, 10 December 2013 22:09
GrAB - growing as building Workshop 2 - BIOLAB intro - experiments and reactors
Thursday, 14 November 2013 19:48
Biornametics and GrAB - Growing As Building presented in the artistic research exhibition at the Museum of Applied Arts Vienna
GrAB core team workshop
Monday, 07 October 2013 22:00
Wednesday 9.10. - Friday 11.10.2013 – GrAB Project Space, Univeristy of Applied Arts Vienna – Topics: Quality Function Deployment, Role Models, Architectural Targets, Biolab
GrAB - lecture evening
Sunday, 06 October 2013 17:59
Introduction to Growing as Building
– THURSDAY 10.10.2013 - 17.00 - 19.00 hrs
– Seminarraum A, attic, University of Applied Arts, 1010 Vienna, Austria
GrowingAsBuilding - Workshop I
Thursday, 01 August 2013 15:20
join us for the first of three GrAB-GrowingAsBuilding workshops at the IoA/Angewandte
Exhibition Nov 2013
Friday, 05 July 2013 02:03
GrAB in the exhibition of the Museum of Applied Arts, opening November 2013
Out Of The Box
Art(ist)s in Space (panel)
Thursday, 13 June 2013 02:04
GrAB presented at Art(ist)s in Space (panel)
presentation “Shifting Perspectives” by Barbara Imhof
Shifting [Space] Perspectives
Friday, 31 May 2013 02:05
Shifting [Space] Perspectives: … Imhof’s final case study: a biomimetic project: called GrAB–Growing As Building and the recent book poses a question to GrAB and the predecessor project Biornametics: “What is the architect doing in the jungle?” [20] Architects, artists, biologists and physicists work together to find good architectural solutions from abstraction of good design from nature. [21] Finding innovative answers in integrating outside views may propel our capability to deal with our complex world and will shift our perspective. [22] …
Article “Art(ist)s in Space [Panel], by Dr. Sarah Jane Pell
Werkspionage in der Natur
Wednesday, 15 May 2013 02:06
About GrAB: “Werkspionage in der Natur”
Article by Susanne Mauthner-Weber, Kurier, May 2013
Artistic Research Projects
Monday, 17 December 2012 01:07
Artistic research projects: GrAB - Growing As Building
GrAB approved
Tuesday, 27 November 2012 01:08
PEEK AR202 “GrAB - Growing As Building” was approved on 26.11.2012. More information